
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2022

What are the figures for teenage pregnancy in the country and the continent?

Teenage Pregnancy. The world's adolescent populations are at significant risk of altering the course of their lives forever: early pregnancy.  Since sexuality is discovered at this stage and this is a topic that is often taboo in societies, the information available is often scarce or biased. The high rate of teenage pregnancy places Mexico in the first place in the occurrence of pregnancies in women aged 15 to 19 within the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which in 2019 registered an average rate of 13.7 Births per 1,000 women ages 15-19. Latin America has the second highest rate of pregnancies in the world, with around 18 percent of births corresponding to those under 20 years of age.  The problem of teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy or early pregnancy occurs when neither your body nor your mind is prepared for it; between initial adolescence or puberty – the beginning of childbearing age – and the end of adolescence, which the WHO